WPA Strategic Plan

Women’s Panhellenic Association Strategic Plan

This strategic plan originates from the WPA commitment to continuously provide the Panhellenic community with the resources, support and leadership each member needs to thrive. The community is currently stable in the eyes of its stakeholders, and so we are looking to capitalize on this stability and look toward the future.

Through critical evaluation, creative vision, and a range of perspectives, we have identified areas for improvement and ways of achieving our goals. We will have involved in the conversation a variety of active Greek men and women, chapter Presidents, the 2012 WPA executive board, advisors, staff, and other people whose opinion and support are integral to our success.

This strategic plan will be a transitioning tool as WPA executive boards finish their terms, as well as an exercise for each incoming council. Throughout this process, constant assessment of our progress and a long-term commitment to a clearly defined mission will be imperative. This will allow for efficient continuity over the years addressed within the plan.

We realize that this document will always be a working document as new leaders face new obstacles and opportunities. Our goal is to provide these future leaders with the foundation of forward-thinking and motivate each WPA council to consider how far they can push themselves in a year.

We look forward to seeing what this strategic plan can do.

-WPA Executive Board 2012


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